2024 Officials
Tom K.., President | Tommy D., Secretary | Joey J. Jr., Treasurer
Sammy B. | Tommy D. | Joey J. Jr. | Bill B. Sr.
Nick P. | Steve B. | Tommy K. | Bruce W.
2024 Season dues for the club shall be $ 200.00. dues for new members shall be $250.00. Member annual dues must be paid at Spring meeting or the first outing attended.
Secretary and Treasurer pay Half dues.
Each player must pay his own green fee. If member is absent, he must pay his greens fee to the club as a penalty. Any member missing two (2) consecutive outings during a season will have his membership reviewed by the Rules Committee.
If a member voluntarily terminates his membership before the 2nd week of golf and has paid full club dues, the member shall be refunded 50% of dues paid. If a member voluntarily terminates his membership after the 2nd week of golf, no money shall be refunded to the member. When renewing a previously terminated membership, all outstanding monies owed by the renewing member must be paid prior to the renewal of the Club Membership.
New Members entering the club once the season has begun are required to pay the full amount of season dues for new members, regardless of monies paid by the member he is replacing. This will entitle the new member to all the benefits of the Club.
Scorecards must be turned in to the officers promptly at the end of each round.
If the club treasury requires additional money, a SPECIAL assessment will be made to all active members.
Any Member missing two (2) consecutive outings during a season will have his membership reviewed by the Rules Committee.
Any Member missing three (3) outings total during a season forfeits his membership in the club.
Any individual desiring membership in the Club must have his name submitted to the Club by a member in good standings. His name will then be added to the end of the Waiting List. Members of the Club who withdrew from the Club in good standing can be added to the Waiting List upon request and may have precedence over a New Member as determined by the Rules Committee.
A New or Returning member must be accepted in the club via a vote by active members.
New and Returning members must have played in a Minimum of 2 outings as a guest each year he is on the waiting list and must submit his scorecard to the Recording Secretary.
New or Returning members must begin competing by the 2nd outing after acceptance into the Club.
If a member leaves the Club in Mid-Year, then the remaining members will vote on his replacement from the waiting list of New/Returning members.
If a member gets injured during the season and I unable to golf the reminder of the season, then a prospect from the waiting list can substitute for the injured member for the remaining of the season. The substitute’s scores will count in match play; however, the substitute will NOT be a member of the club for that season.
Any member who is unable to golf due to physical disability can retain his membership in the club by paying his dues according to the dues schedule.
If, as result of a disability, a member withdraws during the season, all penalty payments shall be made by the member as required, up to a maximum of 3 weeks outings up to the point of return. Any subsequent absence after his return shall be treated as a regular absence and shall abide by the established penalty payment procedure.
If, because of a disability, a member withdraws during the season and cannot return, the member will be placed on the Reserve List effective with the date withdrawn. Members placed on the Reserve List will be in order by the date the individual became a Gin Mill Golf Club member. Once the penalties and dues are paid for the year he withdraws, a member can remain on the Reserve List for 2-Years.
Those members on the Reserve List are eligible to return to active membership at the next available member opening. Individuals on the Reserve List with the highest seniority in the Gin Mill Golf Club will be given the first opportunity to fill the opening. Should he decline, the member with the next highest seniority in the Club will be given an opportunity to fill the opening.
Should there be no members on the Reserve List at the time of a member opening, the member with the longest time on the waiting list will be given the first opportunity to fill the opening. Should he decline, the member with the next longest time on the waiting list will be given an opportunity to fill the opening. This process will continue until the opening is filled.
Handicaps are computed from the following chart based upon the difference between the member’s average score minus par (36) (Broken Arrow).
The member’s handicap is calculated from an average of the scores from the current year and the average from the previous year.
Handicaps are based upon the difference between the member’s average score and par. The member’s handicap is calculated from an average of the scores from the current year and the average from the previous year.
All member’s handicap will be FROZEN once the playoffs begin. Handicaps will be appropriately adjusted (utilizing the existing handicap system) once Championship Sunday competition is completed.
New members entering the club are assigned a handicap in the following manner:
If the new member has had any previous guest outings with the club in the past 2 years, his handicap is computed from the average of those scores minus par of 36.
If the new member has not had any previous guest outings with the club in the past 2 years, he must declare himself either a golfer or a duffer. Should he declare himself a golfer, his handicap is based upon the average of the top ½ members at the time of entry; if a duffer, his handicap is based upon the average of the bottom ½ members at the time of entry. The handicap is then determined by taking the assigned average minus par of 36.
The Club will be made up of 2 divisions (Sendra/Kingston & Gorecki/Baker) of 16 members. Each golfer will be paired on a team with a duffer at the Spring Meeting in a fair and impartial manner. Each outing will consist of competition between teams. Golfers will compete against Golfers; Duffers will compete against Duffers.
A total of 3 points are to be determined in each match. Points will be awarded in the following manner.
1 point will be awarded to the GOLFER that has the lowest net score (total score minus handicap) between he and his opponent.
1 point will be awarded to the DUFFER that has the lowest net score (total score minus handicap) between he and his opponent.
1 point will be awarded to the TEAM that has the lowest net score (total score minus handicap) between teams
In the event of ties between the Golfers/Duffers or Between Teams, a ½ point will be awarded to each.
In the event of 1 or more members are absent from a given foursome for a scheduled golf outing, points shall be awarded in the following manner:
The opponent of the absent member will automatically be awarded ½ point. The absent member will also be penalized 3 strokes.
The opponent of the absent member will be awarded an additional ½ point should his total net score (total net score minus handicap) beat or tie the net penalized score (average minus handicap, plus 3 penalty strokes) of the absent member.
If the net score of the opponent of the absent member does NOT tie or beat the net penalized score of the absent member, the absent member receives the additional ½ point.
If both members of a team are absent for an outing of golf, each member of the absent team can earn a maximum of ½ point. No other points will be awarded to the absent team.
If teams tie in the playoffs, then the Head to Head match during the season will determine the winner. If there is tie during the season, between the playoff teams, then a one-hole shoot out will determine winner. If there is a tie in the Championship match, then there will be a One-Hole shootout to determine winner.
USGA rules shall be followed except as listed below. Course rules on the scorecard which are not in conflict with these rules shall be observed.
Summer rules will be in effect for adverse conditions.
All members must putt out on every hole.
A Ball lost within the course boundaries but not into a water hazard SHALL NOT result in any penalty stroke.
A ball lying against a fence may be moved 2 club lengths away from the fence with NO penalty.
Any golf shot over a fence out of bounds will result in a 1- stroke penalty.
Any ball hit into a water hazard results in a 1 – stroke penalty. The next shot should be taken from a point not farther laterally than the original point of entry into the hazard on the previous shot.
All shots hit out of bounds WILL NOT BE RESHOT. Player will take distance as agreed upon by each foursome. One stroke penalty will apply.
Sand Traps – The sand traps at Broken Arrow in 2020 were in terrible condition. This year 2021 the President and Secretary will check out the bunkers prior to golf. Then we will have a vote with rules committee to either play from bunkers or not.
Scott Cetner - Steve B.
Mike Lavato - Sammy B.
Michael Christiano - Mike P.